Not only is LibertyCon the perfect place for liberty-lovers of all ages to meet, plan, learn, and have fun, they also have the opportunity to land their next job at this amazing, […]
LibertyCon is less than 3 months away and the line-up of speakers, panels, and debates is heating up. We can now confirm that Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the Cato […]
The debate of the year is taking place at LibertyCon! March 2018, Economist Bryan Caplan and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges, will face off in a debate on economic systems. Capitalism […]
We’re excited to announce today that Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief of Forbes Media, will return to SFL as a LibertyCon speaker this year! You’ll of course know him from publications like Forbes magazine and Forbes Asia. Together, […]
This year, Liberty’s getting an update. The ISFLC is now LibertyCon! With a faster-paced schedule, and a diverse range of speakers — LibertyCon is the next step in the fight for a freer future. […]
Why are markets so marvelous? Well, economist, historian, and amazing-all-around social theorist Deirdre McCloskey has an answer so compelling it’s changed the way we talk about economics. Markets, suggests McCloskey in her […]
Dave Rubin, the host of the YouTube sensation “The Rubin Report” will be speaking at LibertyCon this March! The show has garnered a huge fan base from across the world, by having […]
The global Students For Liberty family is coming together next March! Will you be there? March 2-4, 2018, Students For Liberty will host LibertyCon International at the Washington Marriott, Wardman Park. Join […]
Capitalism is great for consumers, and the Whole Foods buy out is a great example of how people win when companies compete. But another question still remains… what’s next for Whole Foods Founder […]
Have you seen the new face of ISFLC? Our annual liberty-palooza got a face lift this year, and we’re thrilled to unveil this exciting new conference to all of you: LibertyCon 2018. March 2-4, […]