Read the SFL Africa Blog

October 1, 2019

Apply to 2019/2020 ASFL Local Coordinators Training Cohort II

Announcing Applications to ASFL Local Coordinators Program Cohort II What do you want to do with your future? Requires some deep thoughts? I know right?! While it is very important to prepare […]
May 2, 2019

Call for Applications: ASFL Advanced Coordinator Program 2019-2020

African student leaders who have demonstrated an incredible commitment to student organizing and who wish to advance SFL’s mission by expanding the libertarian community on the continent can now apply to the […]
May 2, 2019

Apply to ASFL National Coordinator Program 2019/2020

African Students For Liberty is pleased to launch applications to this year’s National Coordinators Program 2019/2020. The National Coordinators Program seeks to reward top-performing Local Coordinators from all over the continent of Africa […]
April 2, 2019

Apply To 2019/2020 ASFL Local Coordinators Training Cohort 1

Are you excited for the ideas of liberty, and strive for living in a freer future? Passionate about free markets, entrepreneurship, philosophy, economics, free speech, toleration, rule of law, individual liberty, technology? […]
March 4, 2019

Announcement: SFL Acquires Learn Liberty from the Institute for Humane Studies

We are excited to announce this acquisition, which will help us reach millions of college students online as an important step toward growing our international presence around the world.   The Institute for Humane […]
February 6, 2019

Liberty: What Is It?

Liberty What is it? Why Is It Good? On What Does It Depend? If we understand what liberty is, if we understand the ideas required to support it, and if we can […]
January 24, 2019

ASFL leader using the art of debate to change minds in Tanzania

Growing up in Tanzania, the birthplace of ujamaa — the concept of African socialism popularized by the country’s first president Julius Nyerere — Evans Exaud was confused about what “capitalism” meant. It […]
January 20, 2019

ASFL alumnus at the forefront of the African tech revolution

Nathaniel Luz is convinced Africa can leverage on technology to catch up with the rest of the world. More importantly, this revolution will happen if what is referred to as the “cheetah” […]
November 2, 2018

Coordinateurs Locaux de l’ASFL 2018/2019

October 31, 2018

Postuler au programme de formation des Coordinateurs Locaux de l’ASFL 2018/2019, cohorte 2

Êtes-vous un étudiant de troisième cycle ou un récent diplômé basé dans un pays d’Afrique? Êtes-vous passionné par les idées de liberté, de marchés libres, d’entrepreneuriat? Voulez-vous savoir ce qu’il faut pour […]
October 22, 2018

Promoting free markets and individual freedom in Africa through research

Jazz is known as the music that has promoted individualism and fueled freedom movements across the United States and the world. It is, then, only fitting that Feyisade Adeyemi found Students For […]
October 22, 2018

Using digital media to promote liberty in Africa

Olanrewaju Elufisan has a very clear vision for bringing more freedom to his home country, Nigeria, and the African continent in general. For this SFL alumnus, the ideas of liberty need to […]