SFL SUCCESS STORY: Ethan Pritchard SFL North America CC Ethan Pritchard hosts Free Speech Celebration at the University of Maryland Ethan Pritchard, who received Student of the Year award at ISFLC17, has […]
SFL SUCCESS STORY: Jeremiah Baky SFL North America SFL leaders fundraise on campus to get others to ISFLC! Jeremiah Baky and others from his SFL group at Troy University in Alabama went […]
SFL SUCCESS STORY: Julio Lins SFL Brazil Working on bringing Uber to the Brazilian state of Manaus Julio Lins (who was elected Student of the Year by Students for Liberty in 2015 at […]
SFL SUCCESS STORY: Julio Mejia SFL Latin America From Local Coordinator to Director of the Libertarian Movement in Colombia Julio Mejia was a Local Coordinator from the first cohort of Eslibertad. During […]
SFL SUCCESS STORY: Ryan Khurana European Students For Liberty Studying in the UK and looking towards the future of liberty Ryan Khurana is a 20 year old Canadian studying PPE in Manchester. […]
SFL SUCCESS STORY: Alexandro Cea SFL Latin America Student leader goes on to found an influential think tank in Chile dedicated to classical liberal ideas Alexandro Cea, who recently completed his law major […]
SFL SUCCESS STORY: John Mugabi SFL Africa Furthering individual liberty in Uganda John Mugabi through his personal efforts, has created a community of passionate leaders for liberty in Uganda. He is now the […]
SFL SUCCESS STORY: Aimable Manirakiza SFL Africa Spreading the message of liberty in east Africa Aimable Manirakiza joined ASFL in 2015 after attending the Eastern African Regional Conference in Nairobi, Kenya in May […]
SFL SUCCESS STORY: Martin van Staden SFL Africa Working towards a freer South Africa Martin is a member of the African Executive Board, from the South African Region. He just completed his […]
The Bulgarian Libertarian Society recently organized two very successful demonstrations which garnered a lot of public attention in Bulgaria. This highlighted the importance that networking and the establishment of a community of […]
NANNY STATE ACTIVISM CAMPAIGN SFL North America Across the world, the impact of our activism was felt over the past year. Health bureaucrats are shaking in their boots while young people […]
The Nanny state is a term of British origin that conveys a view that a government or its policies are overprotective or interfering unduly with personal choice. The term “nanny state” likens […]